Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Lollies are an all-time favourite… to the extent of being one of the most interesting aspects of childhood! Unlike their commercial counterparts, these fruit lollies don't use artificial flavours and colours. Instead, they provide lots of nutrients including vitamins C and A. Ensure that the fruits are completely ripe and sweet to avoid adding any extra sugar.

Preparation Time: 5 minutes.
Cooking Time: Nil.
Serves 4.

½ cup freshly squeezed pineapple juice
½ cup freshly squeezed black grape juice
½ cup freshly squeezed orange juice

1. Take 4 candy moulds of desired shapes, pour 2 tbsp of pineapple juice at the bottom of each mould and refrigerate to set.
2. When fully set, insert candy sticks and pour 2 tbsp of black grape juice in each candy mould to make a layer and refrigerate to set without disturbing.
3. When fully set, pour 2 tbsp of orange juice in each candy mould and refrigerate again to set for atleast an hour.
4. Just before serving, hold the moulds under a running tap and take out the lollies. Serve immediately.

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